The Most In-Demand Jobs for 2020

In Employment Help by adminburnetts

The Most In-Demand Jobs for 2020

The Most In-Demand Jobs for 2020

2020 has certainly proven to be an interesting year for job searchers thus far. While some industries have fallen out of importance since the turn of the decade, others are growing at a staggering rate that few expected. It’s because of these periodic shifts that job applicants need to know which jobs are currently offering opportunities and which ones aren’t. These are some of the most in-demand jobs for 2020 and what these industries entail.

Physical Therapist

As our technology and knowledge of the human body evolve, we must respond to injuries before they affect us long-term. In fact, many might find themselves needing these professionals even if they aren’t injured. The incorporation of automatic technology into our daily lives reduces the amount of time we spend working our muscles and keeping them strong. Over time, our strength diminishes, and it becomes easier to injure ourselves. This is why it’s essential that we have professionals trained in rehabilitation, pain management, and mobility assistance available to treat us.

In-Home Caregiver

The elderly population is also in need of an increasing amount of assistance. But with the number of nursing homes already filled, it can be more difficult for each senior citizen to get the one-on-one care that they need and deserve. It’s for this reason that home-caregiving has become the primary way many seniors receive assistance. This method is actually the most preferred by patients anyway because it allows them to stay comfortable in their homes.


Veterinarians hold another of the most in-demand jobs for 2020 because of the increasing range of services that these professionals offer their patients. Pet owners commonly inquire about nontraditional vet offerings such as dental care and nail trimming and, while veterinarians are happy to oblige, they need more hands to perform these tasks. Since qualified veterinarians must also complete advanced schooling and training, it can be some time before a newer generation of these professionals can enter the market. This is why veterinary assistants are also in high demand.

For more information on these jobs, as well as other fast-growing industries, contact Burnett’s Staffing. Our staffing and temp agencies in Fort Worth, Texas, are well-versed in the ever-changing job market and know how to best prepare you for it.