Starting a New Position? Follow the 30/60/90 Rule.

In Employment Help by adminburnettsLeave a Comment

Starting a new job can bring up a lot of emotions. It’s the end of your job search, of course, so there’s the triumph that comes with achieving your goal. But with success can also come doubt. The unknown of starting a new position can create a lot of stress. The best way to reverse that? Set up a structure for yourself. One great way to do that is with the 30/60/90 rule. Here’s how it works.

The First Month (30 days)

Make sure that you fully understand the company you’re working for. What is its mission statement? What are its long-term goals? Try to get a sense of the workflow of the office, from big picture things like who reports to whom to smaller details like where paperwork needs to be filed when it’s completed. Reach out and begin to form relationships with your co-workers, and with your clients or customers if you have any.

The Second Month (60 days)

Once you have a grasp of your new environment, it’s time to focus on putting your strengths to work. For the first month, you were probably doing a lot of listening as you learned how things work. In the second month, it’s time to do more talking. Offer feedback in meetings, consider taking on tasks that are outside of your job description. Think of ways to be a better employee, and put them into practice.

The Third Month (90 days)

By now, you should feel much more comfortable at your job and in your office. You’ve most likely fallen into a predictable daily routine. Now is time to build on the work you did in the second month of your employment, and continue volunteering to help with projects and tasks, and offering feedback when you see something that needs improvement. Make sure to continue to get to know your co-workers, and to continue to build your relationship with your boss as well.

Do you need -more ideas about how to be a better employee? Contact a specialist at Burnett’s Staffing for an honest assessment about where you stand as a job candidate!

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